
AI and Large Language Models are revolutionizing the way we code, what we build, and how we engage users. From requirement analysis to testing, pull requests, and dependency management, AI enables automation of various steps and processes in the Software Development Lifecycle. In this session, we'll delve into the latest AI advancements and tools shaping the future of software development. Get ready to peek into the exciting possibilities ahead. Join in to discover how you can leverage these cutting-edge AI developments to enhance your daily work and advance your career path.
Lize Raes
Open Tide
Lize is AI Transition Specialist at consulting company Open Tide and Head of AI at a leading Swiss software company specialising in drug discovery and gene technology. Known as the public face of the LangChain4j framework, she loves inspiring developers to apply the potential of AI in real-world applications. Committed to applying technology to societal challenges, Lize has embraced roles such as cochlear implant researcher at Ghent University and advisor to the Belgian government, where her COVID-19 prognosis model was used to steer drug and hospital supplies during the pandemic. In her free time, you will find her behind the piano or in her woodworking atelier.