Workshops at Voxxed Brussels

New this year’s edition of our event is that we are organizing 2 days instead of 1, and 1 day will include workshops, adding an extra layer of interactivity and hands-on learning.

Final workshop announcement at the
end of April!

Spring Security: The Good Parts

Daniel Garnier-Moiroux

When you need to secure your application, you use Spring Security. It’s the de-facto standard, it’s robust, extensible, and brings sensible defaults to your application. But newcomers can feel lost as soon as they step out of the “Getting Started” guides and need to fine-tune the configuration to their specific use-cases. Developers can find themselves frantically copy-pasting from Stack Overflow until it kinda-sorta works.

Spring Security only uses a handful of core building blocks, and they are present everywhere in the library. Knowing what those are, how they are meant to be used, and how to effectively leverage them will give you the keys you need to implement all your custom needs.

This hands-on lab is the opposite of a “getting started” guide. You will implement custom use-cases from scratch, using Spring Security core classes. You will learn the general architecture, the foundational patterns, how Spring Security is built. Most importantly, you will understand how to use the extension points to add your own, specific behavior.


Laptop, Java 17, an IDE and Docker installed.


Not specified

Micronaut 4 Hands-On Lab

Álvaro Sánchez-Mariscal Arnaiz

Micronaut is a modern, JVM-based, full stack Java framework designed for building modular, easily testable JVM applications.

This self-paced, instructor-assisted workshop covers the following topics:
– Using Micronaut Launch to create a project.
– Creating the data access layer using Micronaut Data JDBC.
– Using Micronaut Test Resources for Testcontainers integration.
– Implementing a REST API.
– Testing with the declarative HTTP client.
– Using GraalVM to generate a native executable.

All speakers

Have a look at all the Voxxed Days Brussels Speakers of 22 may.

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